Thursday, November 13, 2008

Met Meetings

Hi guys,this is your new blog editor Pliskin42. We have had two meetings on the KRV campus these past two Tuesdays and we came up to several difficult decisions during them.

In the first meeting we discussed very broad guidelines that we wanted to use when selecting which submissions we would want to make it into print. things that tend to denote amateur writers were to be avoided, such as overtly simple rhyme scheme.We also came to something of a agreement on how to weigh in the ratings on the number scale given already (two or more tens was defiantly worth discussion, ect). Then we eventually delved in, began judging the pieces, and weeded out those who it seemed did not to cut it. There are still a few pieces that are on the proverbial fence, so you editors who have not put in any input throw in your two cents.

During the latter meeting we came to the conclusion that since the Graphic design class is not in session this semester, and we had in the past worked hand in hand with them for art and layout design, it would most likely be best to push back production of this years Met in order make use of their services. This decisions holds a two fold benefit, the first being the aforementioned use of the classes on campus, and the second being that we can now open for new submission and hopefully flush out the few areas where we were seemingly lacking ( for instance we only had a single art submission.) As such we had to go back and come up with new deadline dates. February 28 is now the last day we will be taking submissions for this upcoming Met. March 16 is the deadline we set to have all the submissions that we have chosen in the order we wish them to appear in our final cut. March 31 is our final due date, this is the day on which we must have everything edited as well as ordered and then sent off to the Digital Imaging class for lay out and construction. After Deciding on dates we then discussed how we could foster more support. We came to the conclusion that we needed to advertise more around the various campuses here in Cerro Coso and that it could be done both by word of mouth and by creation of posters. Additionally to foster a greater following with our web based community, the ideas were thrown out to promote the blog with more contributions from the various members of the creative writing community. So all you creative writing community members who want to help make this blog great come on forward! lastly we created a couple new positions in the club, the first being the blog editor (that would be myself) and the second was that of calendar editor ( which went to Margret).

If there is any more questions, concerns, or comments feel free to let us know!

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