Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Buffalo Carp Flash Fiction Contest

Quad City Arts’ Literary Magazine


-Prize is $250 USD, plus five copies of Buffalo Carp, Volume 6. All entries will be considered for publication.

-Send no more than three (3) flash fiction stories, each one being no longer than 600 words. ONLY unpublished flash fiction stories may be submitted.

-Entry fee is $10 for each submission of up to three (3) flash fiction stories; please make checks payable to “QUAD CITY ARTS”. All entrants will receive Buffalo Carp, Volume 6 (winning story will be published in Volume 6) with paid entry fee.

-Email submissions are accepted, but will NOT be processed until the $10 entry fee is received.

-Please include a SASE for notification and cover sheet with all contact information (name, address, phone #, and email), title of all stories submitted, and a brief bio. Name and contact information should NOT appear on the stories themselves.

-Judging will be done by the editorial staff of Buffalo Carp.

-Simultaneous submissions are accepted, as long as you notify Buffalo Carp immediately should your work be accepted elsewhere.

-Deadline for submissions is January 16, 2009. Winners will be announced February 2009.

Please send entries to:

Flash Fiction Contest
Buffalo Carp
Quad City Arts
1715 Second Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201

OR email submissions to:

If you have questions, please contact Ryan Collins: (309) 793-1213 ext. 107, or email:

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