Tuesday, April 18, 2017

2017 Met Winners Announced


Congratulations to the following writers who have placed in this year’s Met Awards! Their

Thank you to all participants. Please watch for announcements as we approach the end-of-year award ceremony and reading.

The Editors

College Fiction

First Place: Bailey Crocoll for “Letting Go”
Second Place: Jennifer Jones for “We Could Be Like the Actors on TV”
Honorable Mention: Cindi Aseltine for “Rain”
Honorable Mention: Bailey Crocoll for “The Stone Collector”

High School Fiction

First Place: Jessa Roberts for “I Won’t Leave”

College Poetry

First Place: Jennifer Jones for “Heart in Hand”
Second Place: Jenna Daugherty for “For the Small Town”
Second Place: Bailey Crocoll for “Phoenix”
Honorable Mention: Anthony McFarland for “The Transformed”

High School Poetry

First Place: Brandon Biggs for “Perversion of Dreams, Love, and Faith”

College Creative Nonfiction

First Place: Deidre Nehr for “A Body’s Betrayal”
Second Place: Sarah Horne for “The Fluttering Heartbeat”
Honorable Mention: Bailey Crocoll for “Flying Free”