Sunday, April 08, 2007

Little Quiet in Here...

Just dropping in to let everyone know what's been going on with Met over spring break.

Angela and I have been contacting local businesses, friends, family, everyone for donations. We have had some luck-- weve raised around $800. Although this is nowhere near our main goal of $3500, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect to have the $1500 for the binding and everything.

I was really hoping to be able to raise the full amount; I would absolutely love to see this project become independant, and would also love to be a part of it's becoming independant. It almost seems as though all this work will have been for nothing if we don't get the full amount, if we have to do all of this again next year and still not be able to sell it or publish everyone's work in it. But, we're trying, and that's all we can do.

I have high hopes for the upcoming Art Show. The Art Association has added Cerro Coso to the list of gelleries on the Studio Tour this year, and we're expecting around 300 people to come through. I figure if I can get ten dollars from each person, we're set! But how? I've had fleeting thoughts of raffles and such, and have a few businesses that are willing to donate gift certificates for one, but theres two problems: one; I have to work all weekend and will be unable to be there the whole time, and two; we're too strapped for time to be able to plan and coordinate anything that's more than my own personal project. I have to talk to a few people still and get all the details ironed out, but I think I'm going to try it still. If anyone can help or has any ideas, let me know. (please!) The art show is April 21st and 22nd, and will feature all student work in various mediums. Stop by and see my work! And donate to Met!

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