Friday, March 23, 2007

"Met" Minutes

Well, we have now scored all art submssions for the upcoming edition of Metamorphoses and are at the beginnig of the Great Debate-- that is, deciding which pieces will make it into the publication. We have some great work for review. Dani has set up some discussion forums and I think we are all anxious to jump in.

Or main problem still remains: funding. We were given a smaller amount of funding this year than in years past, and from a different source. While we appreciate the funding we have, there are several strict limitations it brings with it.

While we have been accepting submissions from anyone interested, as it stands, we are limited to publishing only those submitted by students and alumni. There are some great student pieces; definitely enough to make a great edition, but we have recieved worldwide attention from some amazing artists and it would be a shame not to be able to publish the stuff we have recieved.
Last year, we were able to publish with a perfect binding and a color cover. With the funding we currently have, however, we will be limited to a staple binding and probably no color. This is such a huge step back from the last edition. The 2006 edition was a beautiful, proffessional, well-recieved publication. We had hopes of making at least one small improvement to each edition, but it looks like we will be taking two steps back instead.

So, the only thing we can think to do at this point is fundraise. We have turned to local businesses, friends, and family, in the hopes that they will see the worthiness of supporting a Kern River Valley Cerro Coso project that has come this far. If we can raise the difference between our current funding and last years, we can at least get the perfect binding and perhaps some color. We have been unable to sell the edition in previous years due to funding stipulations, but if we can raise the entire amount and be a self-supported project, we can not only publish the submissions we have recieved from non-students but also sell the publication, which would feed into next years funding.
So, if you or anyone you know is interested in seeing this project succeed, contact one of the editors at Cerro Coso or email Gary or I at

Remember, our goal is $3500, and we may not have time to raise the entire amount, but every dollar helps and if it doesnt go toward the 2007 edition of Metamorphoses, it will go to the 2008 edition.
Thank you all for you support! Hope you have a great week!

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