Monday, March 02, 2020

Stone Setter

Poem by Jessa Roberts

Honorable Mention for College Poetry - 2019 Met Awards

They glitter,
Like crushed up bits of diamonds,
Scattered across the black linen bedsheets of the sky,
You are the setter who placed each one,
Every glittering stone,
Is Yours

Gently fluttering leaves,
Mountainsides, valleys, lakeshores,
You are the painter who colors them with the seasons,
At Your touch the aspens blush,
Their snow twisted limbs they bow,

White topped waves,
Prostrate themselves upon the shore,
At Your feet,
Regal sea foamed crests,
They offer,
As a path for Your feet,

We see evidence of You everywhere,
The stone setter who trimmed the night skies,
Above my head,
Who spared some of Your stardust,
To leave in his eyes,
As they twinkle at me in the dark,
Enjoying Your work together

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