Monday, January 25, 2010

Girl in the Picture

Poem by Jennifer L. Day

She is a young woman in the picture.
Her hair is set just so,
in the style all the other girls wear.
She looks like she’d said goodbye
to someone in World War II.
She stands alone on a balcony
in a dark dress, very neat with
her high-heeled feet crossed,
the only thing noticeably improper.
She looks to the side, her hair glistening
and covering half of her ivory face,
as if to hide a sad story. She lets a small smile
touch her lips. She appears to know I am watching
her, that I see her stand by herself in a place
so exquisite and breathtaking,
somewhere lovers must have met in secret.
But she doesn’t want me to see
how alone she is. But then
I feel her spirit as I refuse
to shift my invading eyes
and I am standing where she was
there alone.
In the next moment, I’ll be joined
by a charming stranger
who likes to make girls laugh.
Maybe we’ll dance like children
And maybe when I stand here again
We’ll be the lovers gazing over
a new world.

Contributors Note: I am currently a student at Cerro Coso and hope to continue studying the art of the English language. I love photography and I hope to learn more of the arts and all they entail.

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